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August 2, 202416 Early Warning Signs Your Liver is Sluggish and Toxins Are Being Stored in Your Fat Cells
The liver is a vital body organ as it performs more than 400 functions, including the one to filter out the waste and toxins from our organism. The primary task of the liver is the conversion of toxins into safe waste that is to be excreted from the body afterward.
It is responsible for a substantial part of the overall health. However, if you consume a healthy diet rich in important nutrients, the liver will optimally perform its functions, and it will not be overburdened, but if the food you consume is not healthy, it may become sluggish as a result of the accumulated toxins.
The liver can eliminate these toxins in two phases. The first consists of using enzymes to turn the lipid-soluble toxins into less damaging compounds that can be further on detoxified in the second phase.
The second phase includes the pairing of the toxins with other molecules that boost their water-solubility, to be safely eliminated from the body.
Even if you eat a healthy diet and lifestyle, you need to use personal care and cleaning products that contain no toxins. Namely, there are also toxins in our environment, in the water, air, soil, plastics, factories and the like.
As we previously mentioned, when the liver has become sluggish, the toxins face a difficulty to leave the body, and since they are lipid- soluble, they get accumulated in the fat tissue. This may lead to excess weight.
Therefore, it is critical that you stimulate the function of your liver by following a holistic approach. Hence, you need to know the symptoms that indicate that your liver has become sluggish and needs detoxification:
• Pessimistic emotions;
• Hormonal imbalances;
• Lethargy/feeling drained/ brain fog;
• Migraines/ headaches behind the eyes/ dull headaches relieved with rest;
• Chronic muscle or joint pain;
• Excessive perspiration;
• Weight gain without any evident reason;
• Chronic fatigue;
• Abdominal pain, constipation, gases, diarrhea, bloating;
• Issues digesting fats;
• Chronic bad breath;
• Chemical sensitivities;
• Gall bladder removed;
• Allergies;
• Depression and anxiety;
• Acne or skin disorders.
In this case, you need to help your body solve the issue and stimulate the liver to properly do its function and eliminate the dangerous toxins, as follows:
• Eat a balanced diet;
• Avoid inflammatory oils;
• Avoid refined sugar;
• Reduce the consumption of fructose (20-25 gr. per day);
• Eliminate GMO products and buy only organic foods;
• Use food sources of sulfur;
• Eat animal-based and plant-based sources of amino acids;
• Reduce or eliminate alcohol;
• Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables;
• Increase the consumption of healthy fats;
• Consume enough fiber;
• Drink sufficient amounts of pure water.